We've made some exciting progress these past few weeks at biblewiki.us. "Careful research" has led me to the conclusion that it's far easier to edit a wiki page than create a new one, so I've been creating a mass of pages currently totaling 135. Most (90%) of these pages have no content whatsoever except a short description of a particular topic. This has caused two side effects: 1) Our Google PageRank has skyrocketed, and 2) our content is very sparse, leaving no credibility and potential members practically bounce off the site like it's made of rubber.
I've also made the observation that most people are not familiar with how a wiki works, and would just leave upon hitting the front page without knowing what to do. I've posted a bunch of article links to the most searched for, most complete, and most viewed articles, to give people a starting point. However, I still need to come up with a way to get more people to stay and start helping out.
This past week we've received a bit of publicity, we've been posted to the Christianity section (subreddit) of reddit.com. At the highest point, we where the number two article posted in that section bringing in a bunch of visitors. Still no constructive help, but I have faith that God will bring people when the time is right.
I'm currently working on getting a version of the Bible on the site so that all bible references can show the appropriate section when you hover over the verse. I've been working on getting the King James Version uploaded and searchable, as well as indexable by Google. I believe that this feature will create a truly unique and useful tool for our members. As soon as this is done, and people start submitting some articles to the commentary section, I will ask permission to use the NIV and NASB as well as other translations, but I need to find out the format in which they provide it so I can prepare ahead of time.
I'm excited about the future of the site as I believe that it truly is what God wants me working on. I'm hoping to provide some great study tools, and just need your help to post what you know about the Lord. I'm also going to try to provide monthly updates via the blog if possible,
Thursday, January 15, 2009
We're on Reddit and Progress update!
Friday, November 7, 2008
New Web Site
This past week I've been working on a new website, dedicated to studying the Bible. The website is called BibleWiki and can be found at http://BibleWiki.us .
I've started this website because I believe that God wanted to to do it. It's something that would be useful, because I've found most bible-study websites to be lacking, and I've got some great features in store for the site. The site is a wiki using the Wikipedia engine (MediaWiki), so it's syntax and functionality should be familiar to many people. I've started adding a small set of stub articles to the site, and if you're interested in helping out please come over, create an account, and start editing! You don't need to be a pastor to edit BibleWiki, you just need to love the Lord and share what he's been teaching you.
You can help out by expanding the existing articles, by creating new articles, or by documenting existing articles against scripture. You can also post Christian reviews of your favorite Christian book, website, or movie.
The goal is to provide Christians with a consistant resource for studying scripture, confronting false teaching, and sharing Christ with unbelievers by providing information to answer thier questions.
I've added the usual non-profit donate buttons, but the site isn't an official non-profit, and I don't expect to get many donations anyway, but I do have to pay for the servers, and for the time spent working on the site that I could be doing other things, and my car's starting to be in bad shape, so anything I receive would be awesome, and would enable me to start working on those features I just told you about.
Posted by
1:24 PM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Post 2: A long time coming
First off I'd like to apologize for not posting anything in the past three weeks.
I've actually written several articles, but I need to proofread them before I put them on the web for you to read. Well actually I don't think anyone read this, nor did I expect them too; but I need to be in Google for a few weeks before I actually post anything good, and I'm not in Google yet.
I've had a lot on my mind over the past few weeks, I've been helping my one friend with his house, looking to buy a house, working two jobs, and just trying to sort things out in my mind. I also went on an awesome church retreat this past weekend, where I learned a lot of things, ate great food, had tons of fun, and just enjoyed the first completely carefree relaxing weekend in a long while, and now its going to be Christmas in a few days.
Now, there also the problem of figuring out what to write, what to talk about, and what audience to cater toward. Unfortunately I think we all put on faces towards different groups of people, but this is the Internet, so everyone has the potential to see me the same way, however I choose to be perceived. Since nobody's been on here yet save maybe 3 people I don't think it matters at this point.
I have done a few things, I did post a bunch of pictures, some links, and got the layout sorted out. I'd still like to think of a better title, so if one comes to mind I'm going to change it.
Anyway, I am planning some articles that I'm really excited about, and I will be trying to get them up here sometime over the break (Christmas Season). I wish everyone a merry Christmas, and I hope you will enjoy the articles that I am going to be posting on here in the future.
Oh if you want, post a comment so I know you stopped by.
Posted by
6:52 PM
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Why are you reading this?
I've been kicking around the idea of getting a blog just to avoid maintaining my web site. Right now with working two different jobs, its hard to get time to do anything (my other computer has been broken for 3 months), and you have to force yourself to not do work, to avoid lapsing into a state of carelessness.
Anyway, I've had a website for the past 5 years (never had much on it, mainly I just use it as a fileserver), and I'm not sure I really want to put anything important on it, because if I put on anything that gets alot of hits (wishful thinking), my service will be cancelled for exceeding bandwidth limitations. I want to get a new webserver, but I think that this will handle what I need for now.
Anyway, I haven't really decided what kind of content I'm going to post on here yet, whether it's going to be serious or not (I haven't decided on a title yet), but I do know that I will try my best to avoid another ranting blog about my daily life and add to the polution of the Internet. I've seen many blogs that are full of stuff like this:
I got up this morning and brushed my teeth, and took a shower, and pet my cat because my cat Mr. Bubbles is the most amazing cat, and then I talked to Brandon and Josh, and we went to the mall blah blah blah.....
and in the end nobody really cares.
Well, I am going to post some links in the right hand column of this page, and I will hopefully get to write some interesting articles later this week.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Labels: blogging, internet, introduction, website, welcome